Sunday, June 29, 2008

Angela Hoffman Becomes First Female Bevakare!

Jageran Labour Party Candidate Wins Bevakare Selection!

Anfang -
History has been made in Jagera as the first woman has been selected for the country's top position. After the counting of the votes on Saturday, Angela Hoffman, Labour Party Candidate, had a solid lead of 102 votes to the 91 of her closest competitor to become Bevakare for the next period.

The decision was made following a historic day of elections Saturday, where the Landsråd, Auxiliråd, and Bevakare were all up for vote; a phenomenon that only occurs every sixty years, and coincides with the 360th anniversary of the founding of a Unified Jagera.

Earlier in the day, voting for the Auxiliråd returned an upset when the strong Jageran Green Party, with a plurality of seats, fell to third place, while the Commonwealth Party surged from last to first place in seat allocations. Political analysts suspect recent events such as the Jontadain Civil War and the Exordium Crisis, in which the Commonwealth Party took the strongest stance, had a great influence on the vote. The final tally for seats (with change following in parentheses) was: Labour Party 41 (-10), FDP 22 (-18), Commonwealth Party 43 (+33), Green Party 37 (-15), SDP 37 (+6).

Meanwhile, in the Landsråd, the strong Labour Party also fell from first to third in seat count, while the Green Party moved from third to first. Pundits feel the continuing interchange of members between the two parties moved in the Green Party's favour in this instance. Final tallies of seats (with the previous holdings following in parentheses) were: Labour Party 15 (-11), FDP 17 (+0), Commonwealth Party 9 (+0), Green Party 23 (+10), SDP 14 (+1).

Once all the members were elected, votes were cast for Bevakare. The vote tallies for each candidate were:
  • Angela Hoffman (Labour): 103
  • Helmut Erdahl (Green): 91
  • Nils Hjalmasson (FDP): 84
  • Philipa Karlsson (Commonwealth):61
Upon hearing the announcement of results, Hoffman stated, "This is a great day for Jageran workers everywhere, Jageran women everywhere, and Jagerans everywhere! Now we must work at improving our people, our country, and our region."

Hoffman has stated she will keep her birth name as regnal name, making her Bevakare Angela. The new Bevakare will lead a joint session of the Råden on Monday to introduce Jagera to their new government and to make selection of the new ministers of the Valmöte.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Jontadain Rebels Sue For Peace

War At An End

Acadière, Îles Jontadains - The Jontadain Civil War has come to an end this evening, as Démocratique forces have accepted cease fires and issued terms to their rivals. An air of calm covers the country for the first time in two years, as fighting subsides across the country.

Faced with a renewed Démocratique offensive, supported by the Jageran First and Second Armies, Roland Tadoux, self proclaimed King Roland XXXII and leader of the Royaliste forces, sued for peace from the overwhelming force of the attacking armies. The Démocratiques demanded an unconditional surrender, which they then received. The cease fire appears to have been accepted by all Royaliste troops. As of press time, Démocratique and Jageran forces are moving to occupy all formerly hostile areas.

The surrender comes on the heels of a cease fire signed with the Communiste rebels. Negotiations had been entered by the Jageran Military Government on June 17, and an official agreement reached June 21. Under the terms of this cease fire, Communiste forces retain political control over the province of Lamontagne until a more permanent arrangement can be reached. Due to the remaining strength of the Communistes, an unconditional surrender was not on the table.

Agreements have also been reached with the Eeyo'Uch peoples of Eastern Jonquiere-Tadoussac. These groups had taken control of their traditional territories partway into the conflict, and continued to hold them despite attempts to overpower them. A similar arrangement has been made as with the Communistes, again with the provision that the current treaty is temporary.

No word at this point as to whether Jageran forces will withdraw from Jontadain soil any time soon. Several commentators believe the new Jontadain officials will need to show strength to stop Jonquiere-Tadoussac from becoming a Jageran military outpost, like the nominally independent country of Njordheim.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jageran Troops Begin Final Push Against Royalist Rebels

Cease Fire Reached With Communiste Forces

Acadière, Îles Jontadains -
Elements of the Jageran Ground Force stationed in Jonquiere-Tadoussac, along with their Démocratique allies, are beginning a major push, aimed at destroying the last bases of power for the Royaliste rebels of the country. This would bring the war within tangible distance of its end, as the Royalistes have been the main opposing force in this stage of the conflict.

According to Generalmajor Heiström, commander of the Jageran First Army, the attacks are aimed into the heart of remaining Royaliste territory, with a goal of no less than forcing a surrender of the rebel forces or destroying them in the process. Elements from the First and Second Armies, along with the Jontada Major Air Command, are to participate in the assault, aiming at the Royaliste headquarters of Île-de-Loup. "At the least, we can cut them in half," states Generalmajor Heiström.

In related news, the Jageran/Démocratique command has entered negotiations with the Communiste forces for a cease fire. There is no word yet on whether this will be accepted. Reports indicate the Communistes want control of at least one province, and autonomy to govern it almost as an independent protectorate.

Talks have also been entered with the indigenous Eeyo'Uch peoples residing in the east of the country. They had occupied the areas at the outbreak of the latest stage of the war, and are pressing for autonomous government in the area. Reports indicate the Jageran forces are amenable to this, but no word yet if the Démocratiques will accept it, and no official word has been given.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jageran Scientific Community Fired Up For Fractal Research

Stormdale - The Jageran Scientific Community is peeling its eyes on a research project launched this morning. Dubbed "The Multiverse Project", it is designed to give a clearer understanding of the fractal nature of the NationStates Universe, and its instability in the vicinity of Jagera's eastern coastline.

Key to the experiment is the science vessel JSS Relativitet, built for the purpose of studying the universe from any point on the ocean. Accompanied by the destroyer JWS Misa and frigates JWS Pil and Näve, the Relativitet left port in Stormdale at 0800h this morning, and is set to sail to a point more-or-less equidistant from the shorelines of Ceogarð, Kelvin, and mainland Old Ceorana. This location is said to be one of the weakest spots in reality, where one may most easily cross the fractal boundary.

"Once there," stated Dr. Xavier Therigen, Ceoranan-turned-Jageran chief of Fractal Research, "the ship will wait for the next fractal tide; about one week from today. It will then use technology built by Jageran workshops based on Ceoranan fractal research to allow the ship and her escorts cross the divide into a bubble of fractal reality, where we will be able to conduct more in depth experiments into the nature of fractal spacetime."

The project is the culmination of nearly a decade of work by the Jageran and Ceoranan research bodies. The next phase of research will not take nearly as long, however; at least from our standpoint in the "real world".

"The peculiar nature of this fractal bubble," Dr. Therigen added, "means that time runs much faster inside than outside. As a result, though less than one month will pass in this world between crossover points, nearly fifteen relative years will pass for the Relativitet. Accordingly, we will have sufficient time to complete our research in full and transmit findings back to the main research facilities on the mainland every Jageran week."

This research project is seen as key in Jagera's technological and informational advancement, and is expected not only to create new methods for storage, hazardous operations, and other applications, but to also help answer key questions about the nature of the Universe itself.