Monday, August 25, 2008

JAS Jennifer Saxon Launches Among Pomp and Cannonades

Colisin - The air was ripe with pomp in Colisin Harbour today as ceremonies were held to commemorate the launch of the newest Bevakare-class light carrier. Named for the current president of Ferveo, a close ally of Jagera, the JAS Jennifer Saxon sailed into the harbour for the first time as a ready warship, carrying her namesake aboard.

"Words cannot express just how privileged I feel being honoured in this manner," stated President Saxon, after completing the traditional Jageran christening ceremony of placing runestones spelling the ship's name on the dock before it and pulling off the banner obscuring the ship's name. "Such a break from Jageran tradition, for a politician from a country as young as Ferveo, on a ship class as symbolic, powerful and downright huge as the Bevakare-class simply defies my belief. All I can say is thank you, one and all, and I am sure that all Fervean people will feel just as honoured by this unprecedented favour as I do."

The ceremony was also attended by senior officials from the Jageran government, including Bevakare Angela, who delivered a speech from the deck of her namesake ship, JAS Angela, as it received its commission and prepared to enter active service. "It is such a fortuitous circumstance that allows the two ships, Angela and Jennifer Saxon, to sit at anchor side by side in the harbour as resolute as our two allied nations. I believe it is a symbol of the ever strengthening friendship between our two nations, and the strong future we can forge together."

Also putting in an appearance for the ceremony were the great fleet carriers JAS Veðrfölnir and Niðhogg, the former receiving its own commission, while the latter will soon have a ceremony in its own honour to make it Jagera's official flagship.

Accompanying President Saxon for the day was the great Fervean air cruiser FSC Tempest, which descended into the harbour as President Saxon was introduced. The great airship saluted the festivities at the close of Saxon's speech by firing a salvo from its cannon, followed by an overflight of twenty-one f214/c fighters from the
Veðrfölnir and Niðhogg. Selected officials and members of the public were then given a tour of certain areas of the Fervean vessel, which was quoted as being an amusing attraction.

Some questions have been raised following the ceremonies about the Jennifer Saxon's weaponry. Though official manifests show the ship as mounting the same missile batteries as any other ship of its class, it was noticed that the vessel also mounts four cannons of unfamiliar design on its weapon decks. Questions posed to Jageran officials received no answer, and no information has yet been obtained about the nature of these unknown weapons.

The ship of honour is slated to remain in Colisin harbour for the next week to complete final installation on several systems, after which it will depart for a three week official shakedown cruise. It is slated for commissioning in late September, at which point the JAS Jennifer Saxon will set sail for its first mission - a visit to Ferveo City.

The other vessels will be departing at the same point as the Jennifer Saxon for their duty posts - JAS Angela to the Unity Sea, Veðrfolnir to the Northeast Ocean, and Niðhogg to the west coast of the IDU mainland.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Riots Surge in Wake of Soccer Loss

Stormdale - Riots broke out across Jagera last night as the news of Samväldet Jägarna's 5-0 loss to Malabra in the IDUFC reached the public. Every major city was affected in the biggest sports riot since the controversial postponement of the Jageran Football Cup in 1992.

In every major city across the country, would be revelers turned violent as a quarter final spot was "snatched from the rightful team", as one fan put it. Disappointment at a humiliating loss turned into rage as it became clear this loss meant the Jageran team would not advance. Car were burned and shops looted as mobs spilled out onto the streets from watching the match. In Squamouth, where the match occurred, a mob attempted to storm the Myrshaulk Stadium which had seen the match, as well as the Galia Hotel, where the Malabran team was staying. Each were turned back by heavily armed units of the Jageran Ground Force.

Riot police were called into action, as well as several regiments of the Jageran Ground Force. Heavy guard was also put on the locations where the other foreign football teams were staying. Attempts were made to end the riots peacefully, though few were successful. All told, more than fifteen thousand people were arrested, eleven thousand of which were released after being held overnight.

The total costs of the riots are as yet unconfirmed, though at least twenty deaths have been reported, with five of those at the hands of police or military. More than three thousand major injuries have been cataloged at local hospitals. Preliminary estimates put damage somewhere around five hundred million conargoes across Jagera.

In a statement following the riots, Bevakare Angela said, "I am horrified at the actions of so many of my fellow Jagerans following the match yesterday. Those who use this situation as an opportunity to loot, pillage, and burn are not true fans of the team, and the anyone that abstained from the mobs is to be commended. On behalf of the government and people of Jagera, I apologize to those negatively affected by the riots, especially those teams still to participate in the IDUFC. We hope this event does not mean to you that all Jagerans are like this."

Despite the riots, the IDUFC committee has announced its determination to continue with the schedule as planned for the quarter finals.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Missing Money Went to Top Secret Research

Bevakare Angela personally releases information

Anfang -
In a rare event today, Bevakare Angela made use of executive powers to release information kept top secret by the Commonwealth government and votes of the Råden. Speaking before assembled media, she revealed the destination of the missing ten billion conargoes from the last eight years.

"I stand for open and transparent government, and the people of Jagera deserve to know howtheir government has been spending their money," Angela stated. "I assure every Jageran that the money has gone towards the protection of our great nation, as well as the furthering of the bounds of our knowledge.

"Not all of the money has gone to one place; the "Operating Expenses" budget was further subdivided, and was essentially a top secret research fund. Some has gone into weapons research, mainly into improving guidance systems on our warplanes and missiles. I am not happy to report this, but I wasn't in a position to do anything about it when the money was being allocated.

"More of the money has gone into spacecraft research. Jagera has been busy building its first multipurpose spacecraft designed to carry a full crew out of Earth orbit for extended times. Some of this has actually occurred being represented as space station research, and more money came from the top secret fund. My advisors tell me the first vessel, the Jägaras Geimur Skepp X-01, will be ready to launch by the end of September. The ships are to have a modular design, so they can be used for different missions, the X-01's original loadout is meant for research just outside the orbit of the Moon.

"Finally, some has also gone towards fractal research, and furthering our program. Some of this has been tied in to the development of a type of propulsion system that will allow our space ships, once launched, to travel faster than light. Unfortunately, I must report that our research in this vein has not returned many successes, as can be seen by the Relativitet distaster several months ago.

"I apologize to the people of Jagera for this problem; I myself was unaware of the budget issues until the Commonwealth Star ran their story earlier. I hope we can clear this up, and ensure a fair, transparent government for all our peoples."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Unknown Expense Found in Jagera's Budget, Called "Significant"

Anfang - A curious unexplaned expense has been found in the budget of the Commonwealth Government for the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Labled "operating expenses", and totaling just over two billion conargoes, the item relates to an extremely minor project in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, aimed at research into new power regulation technologies.

"The real problem with this significant expense is the huge amount of money allocated to what is seen as a very minor project," says Dannike Bjarstok, representing the Jageran Fair Tax Alliance (JFTA), a government fiscal monitor that first discovered the expense. "The power regulation project is important, but I severely doubt they needed two billion conargoes for "operating expenses", considering the rest of their budget is meticulously allocated. It is not as if they had to spend five thousand on a hammer, and twenty thousand on a toilet seat. If they did, I want to see that toilet."

Further investigation by the Commonwealth Star and JFTA has shown more than ten billion conargoes has been spent on "operating expenses" for the project over the last eight years, with no further breakdown of costs supplied. There are no receipts or itemized expenses included with any of the reports obtained.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade declined to comment on the issue. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance would only state that the funds had been properly earmarked following Jageran law, and no further information need be available. It was also suggested the JFTA were blowing the issue out of proportion, with references made to the multi-billion conargo expense accounts for several other government agencies, such as the Jageran Military.

The Commonwealth Star has received no response to requests to view the facility requiring such lavish funding to sustain it.