Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Riots Surge in Wake of Soccer Loss

Stormdale - Riots broke out across Jagera last night as the news of Samväldet Jägarna's 5-0 loss to Malabra in the IDUFC reached the public. Every major city was affected in the biggest sports riot since the controversial postponement of the Jageran Football Cup in 1992.

In every major city across the country, would be revelers turned violent as a quarter final spot was "snatched from the rightful team", as one fan put it. Disappointment at a humiliating loss turned into rage as it became clear this loss meant the Jageran team would not advance. Car were burned and shops looted as mobs spilled out onto the streets from watching the match. In Squamouth, where the match occurred, a mob attempted to storm the Myrshaulk Stadium which had seen the match, as well as the Galia Hotel, where the Malabran team was staying. Each were turned back by heavily armed units of the Jageran Ground Force.

Riot police were called into action, as well as several regiments of the Jageran Ground Force. Heavy guard was also put on the locations where the other foreign football teams were staying. Attempts were made to end the riots peacefully, though few were successful. All told, more than fifteen thousand people were arrested, eleven thousand of which were released after being held overnight.

The total costs of the riots are as yet unconfirmed, though at least twenty deaths have been reported, with five of those at the hands of police or military. More than three thousand major injuries have been cataloged at local hospitals. Preliminary estimates put damage somewhere around five hundred million conargoes across Jagera.

In a statement following the riots, Bevakare Angela said, "I am horrified at the actions of so many of my fellow Jagerans following the match yesterday. Those who use this situation as an opportunity to loot, pillage, and burn are not true fans of the team, and the anyone that abstained from the mobs is to be commended. On behalf of the government and people of Jagera, I apologize to those negatively affected by the riots, especially those teams still to participate in the IDUFC. We hope this event does not mean to you that all Jagerans are like this."

Despite the riots, the IDUFC committee has announced its determination to continue with the schedule as planned for the quarter finals.

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