Saturday, May 24, 2008

Jageran Deployment in Jonquiere-Tadoussac Increases

Acadière - Jagera's Defence Ministry has declared a renewed effort to bring a quick peace to
Jonquiere-Tadoussac today, and is supporting this by increasing the number of troops deployed in the country.

Overnight, dozens of transport aircraft left airfields around Stormdale, carrying the bulk of the Jageran Second Army to join the First Army in support of the Démocratiques in the war-torn southern nation. The addition of the extra nine divisions brings the total number of Jageran soldiers in Jonquiere-Tadoussac to just over 200,000.

The move seems to come in response to attempts by the Royaliste faction to destroy the JAS Niðhogg, currently operating in the Ferveo area. Reports indicate as many as ten submarines were involved in the attack, and were all sunk or captured. Official military releases state the submarines were able to claim the Fenrir-class heavy missile cruiser JWS Frostjätte and Achen-class destroyers JWS Prins and JWS Gustav III before being destroyed.

No official word has been given on where the new divisions will be sent, but current indications suggest they will be deployed to the north and east of the Jageran Occupation Zone, where they can engage the Royaliste forces that have been most tenacious throughout the war. Indications are that troops will strike up the Laurent River for the Royaliste headquarters of Île-de-Loup, in hope of capturing King Roland XXXII and the rest of the faction's leaders.

Meanwhile, military forces remaining in Jagera have been put on high alert, and several reserves are being called into action. At press time, the Jageran 5th Reserve Army has been mobilized, as well as the old Volsung-class carriers JAS Fafnir and JAS Regin. All civil aviation has been restricted, and incoming international flights have been routed to the southern airports at Kalak and Dolan.

Reports have also come in from the Njordheim islands, showing the Asgard-class carriers JAS Thorskip and JAS Mjolnir have been sent west with the rest of the Jageran Njordheim Battle Fleet, and the 305 Jageran Division assigned to the islands has also been dispatched west. No indications are forthcoming as to the reasons for these actions.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ferveo Restricts Foreign Citizens, Expels Pagemaster Embassy

Anfang - Reports have surfaced that the Fervean government has begun blocking some foreign citizens from its soil. Ironically following the commencement of the closed conference in Pagemaster City between Ferveo and Jagera, the President of Ferveo, Gabriel Seismos, has declared all trade between Ferveo and Pagemaster severed, and has given Pagemaster citizens 48 hours as of Thursday to leave Fervean soil.

No explanation is given for this action, though the Fervean Observer is reporting that some advisers are questioning the President's mental state. No official response has yet been issued by the Pagemaster government.

No similar edict is in effect for Jageran citizens at this point, but new Fervean policy begins to be felt as several Jagera Flybolag flights were denied landing rights at Fervean airports, and had to be diverted to nearby Pagemaster airfields. No official response has yet been issued by the Jageran government, either.

In related news, no word has yet been received about the strange flight of Jageran military aircraft west from Jonquiere-Tadoussac, though it has been confirmed that these aircraft have not yet returned to their point of origin.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jageran Aircraft Fly West From Îles Jontadains

From "Le Jontadain":

Acadière - The quiet above the city of Acadière was broken roughly this morning, as the sonic booms from several Jageran supersonic aircraft rocked local buildings.

According to witness reports, three Jageran transport aircraft of the most advanced variety [Ed: Grönveld-Alfa t343/m] lifted off at about 0935 this morning, accompanied by a dozen fighter planes [Ed: Larssen f302]. After liftoff, the planes accelerated more quickly than normal, streaking quickly towards the west at extremely high altitudes. The sonic booms as the planes exceeded Mach 1 happened well within city limits, which reports suggest is normally against Jageran Aviation Codes, both military and civil. [Ed: This is correct, s32/11(3) of the Jageran Aviation Code]

As of yet, no word has been received as to why the planes took off. Military sources deny the event even happened. When pressed, Bakgeneral Heinrik Thrumann, of the Jageran Air Force Division, suggested, "There were to be some test flights taking place today; perhaps this is what was seen."

As of press time, the planes have not returned to base, leaving speculation open as to their true intentions, though some reliable forces suggest a strike against Communiste leadership in Chivaque.


[Ed: It is the opinion of the Commonwealth Star that this may have something to do with the strange events in Ferveo, though this remains to be seen. Standard Jageran Military Doctrine would not suggest such a surgical strike against rebel forces, as they are generally too disparate for this to succeed.]

Monday, May 12, 2008

Regional and Defence Ministers Resign Amid Ministry Infighting

Military Alert Status Lowered

Anfang - An unprecedented government shakeup took place today, with the two ministers at the centre of the rising Exordium Island Fiasco tendering resignations under mysterious circumstances. Both Nils Hjalmasson, Regional Minister, and Torvald Schröder, Defence Minister, left their posts after a rising round of infighting within the two ministries.

"It was an unworkable environment," stated ex-Minister Schröder. "We are trying to work for the defence of Jagera, but there are too many bleeding-hearts who feel they don't want to see Air Patrols over their cities every day. They just don't recognize the protection this gives them, and I felt I had to resign my position to protest the steps they were taking to override my decisions."

Mr. Hjalmasson, meanwhile, stated a desire to campaign for selection as Guardian of Jagera next month as his official reason for stepping down, but the Star's sources suggest he was facing as strong of opposition as Mr. Schröder in his ministry due to his stance on the Exordium Island Object. Reportedly, the Regional Council had felt the minister was trying to single handedly run Jageran Regional Policy, and thereby force his own vision of the country on the rest of the government.

Replacements have already been selected for the departing ministers. The Auxiliråd and Landsråd have selected former Generalmajor Jurgen Grönberg as the new Defence Minister. The new minister's first act was to lower the military state of readiness from high to guarded, the third of five levels. Air patrols will remain in place over major cities, but military units that were mobilized have now been put in a lowered state of readiness. Stated Minister Grönberg, "We hope this demonstrates to the IDU, and especially the people of Ferveo, that the previous minister overreacted, and we are attempting to put things at the right level.

The Regional Council selected member Kristina Heikier as minister, whose reaction upon being chosen was to immediately prepare for damage control with Ferveo. "We realize regional policy had been a bit touchy, and we seek to show the region that Jagera means to be a participant, not a dictator, in the region, and an aide to other countries only if requested," she commented.

As a show of good faith, the Niðhogg Carrier Group has been ordered away from Fervean waters, towards the unnamed port where the ships escorting the Jontadain Floating Fortress Bonaventure have been anchored. Official requests have been made for the survey vessel Långsynt and its escorts to remain in Fervean waters for the time being.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Exordium Island Object Solved!

Ferveo City, Ferveo - Scientists at Ferveo's Research Site 19 released information on the Exordium Island Object Saturday, breaking the long silence surrounding the project.

The Object was described as an Armed Re-Entry Vehicle (AREV) formerly controlled by the Unseen Master. The devices had been used by the Dictatorship of the Unseen Master to invade bordering territories until such time as the country was destroyed by an order of the Unseen Master himself. Remnants of this nation today form the population of Ferveo.

The government of Jagera has publicly expressed its worry over the discovery, believing the Fervean scientists' explanation of this as a coincidence to be highly unlikely. Regional Minister Nils Hjalmasson has asked the Fervean government to clarify how it could hold this position, and whether this could instead be indicative of a hostile action against Ferveo or potentially the entire International Democratic Union.

"We take the potential threat formed by these AREVs very seriously," stated a spokesperson for the Jageran Regional Council. This technology is potentially in advance of anything Jagera possesses, and this in itself is cause for concern. We cannot rule out that the Unseen Master may be seeking vengeance against the people of Ferveo for escaping, or that such attacks can spread beyond the borders of Ferveo. The Jageran Military stands ready for any threat which may descend upon the IDU or any of its members."

In response to the Fervean reports on the nature of the Exordium Island Object, the Jageran Military Forces have been put on high alert, and Combat Air Patrols will be in place over all major cities until further notice. The Niðhogg Carrier Group remains near Exordium Island, ready to respond to any Fervean calls for aid. The group escorting the Jontadain Floating Fortress Bonaventure has been diverted to an undisclosed friendly port, with its transit to Colisin delayed without any suggestion of when it will be resumed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Niðhogg Group Deployment "Mindless Sabre-Rattling": Fervean President

Anfang - The Fervean Government issued statements yesterday accusing the redeployment of the Niðhogg carrier group of being naught but "mindless sabre-rattling". Though the Ministry of Defence had taken steps to ensure the government of Ferveo was fully informed of the planned move, and had believed the Ferveans had accepted, according to a senior Ministry official, the reaction was nothing less than surprising, as Fervean president Seismos railed against the action.

"In this violent era, this is no time for mindless sabre-rattling on the part of the Jageran government," the president is quoted as saying outside the Fervean Parliament. "We seek to reassure them that our scientists did not find anything around the crash site that could be dangerous to ships."

Following this statement, representatives from the fleet and from the Fervean battleship FS Chikara met aboard the Jageran heavy missile cruiser JWS Lansiär to negotiate terms for Jageran participation. The Star has received the official proposal from the Jageran government, which will maintain the fleet at 75 nautical miles from Exordium Island except for the JWS Långsynt and two escort destroyers, and has put the remainder of the fleet at Fervean disposal. Ferveo is said to have accepted these terms.

A spokesperson from the Fervean government is also quoted as saying, "You will... be pleased to hear that our researchers are close to a major breakthrough in identifying the source and composition of the Object." More information is expected soon.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

THIS JUST IN: Jageran Niðhogg Carrier Group Diverted to Exordium Island

Anfang - In a surprising move today, the Jageran Ministry of Defence issued orders to redirect warships towards Fervean waters.

The orders apply to the fleet escorting the Jontadain floating fortress FBJ Bonaventure from Jonquiere-Tadoussac to Jagera. The vessels, including the aircraft carrier JAS Niðhogg and survey vessel JWS Långsynt have been dispatched for Exordium Island in conjunction with concerns of an object that had splashed down April 28.

"The utmost care has been taken to communicate to the government of Ferveo that the actions of the Niðhogg carrier group are not intended as hostile," stated Elge Ásgeir, spokesperson for the Regional Ministry. "The government of Jagera is concerned about possible effects on the fleet caused by unforeseen consequences of the object's impact. Their mission is meant to scout the surrounding area, as well as to act as a liaison between the governments of Jagera and Ferveo, so information can be relayed as quickly as possible. "

The group headed for Exordium Island has been split from the fleet escorting the Bonaventure, though the Ministry of Defence states strongly that the floating fortress still has a more-than-sufficient force escorting it back to Jagera.

"A Jontadain Floating Fortress has aircraft launching facilities equal to Jagera's two largest aircraft carriers, as well as the missile payload of a heavy missile cruiser and guns equivalent to a battleship," says Commodore Pierre Selaut, commanding the Bonaventure. "Grouped with the heavy missile cruisers JWS Tyr and Frostjätte and numerous supporting vessels, we can take anything that is thrown at us."

The Bonaventure is expected in the port of Colisin some time next month. No predictions have been made on how long the Niðhogg Carrier Group will remain near Fervean waters.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jagera Protests Secrecy of Exordium Island Object

Anfang - The Jageran government issued an official statement yesterday, protesting the Fervean government's secrecy surrounding the Exordium Island Object.

The statement read: "The Government of Jagera is starting to become alarmed over the secrecy surrounding this project, especially due to its proximity to one of the sea routes Jagera uses to ship aid goods to the Protectorate of Jonquiere-Tadoussac!
End the silence!"

The Exordium Island Object is only known as a mysterious object that splashed down into the ocean near Ferveo's Exordium Island, and has only been described as a "blackened metallic thing" by the Fervean Observer, Ferveo's leading newspaper.

According to the Ministry of Defence, the object is of extreme significance to Jagera at this time, as the route that is planned for the JAS Niðhogg and its supporting vessels to return from Jonquiere-Tadoussac passes close to Exordium Island, prompting concerns that residual effects from the splashdown may have damaging results on the fleet.

More to come...

Jagera Occupies Jonquiere-Tadoussac

Acadière, Îles Jontadains - Seeking to free Jonquiere-Tadoussac from the grip of civil war, troops from the Commonwealth of Jagera have landed to suppress the fighting.

As of midnight on April 2, Jageran troops first came ashore on the Îles Jontadain, securing first the Petit-Île at the behest of the Démocratique troops occupying it, later landing at Acadière on the Grand-Île by noon on April 3. The troops first joined battle on April 6, when troops came ashore at the Démocratique-held city of Tadoussac and threw back besieging Royaliste forces. Casualties were light on both sides, as the Jageran forces were both better trained and better armed than the opposing force. Since that point, Jageran forces have managed to quell fighting throughout the provinces of Tadoussac and Côte-St-Jean, as well as the city of L'Unité and the bordering portions of La Montagne, Alma, and Translaurent.

"We have high hopes of the entire country liberated by the end of summer," quoted Generalmajor Thorgeir Heiström of the Jageran Expeditionary Force. "Our troops are proceeding according to schedule, and we believe the rebel bases of support to be crumbling. More details than this, I cannot give."

Currently, the Jageran Ministry of Defence has declared Acadière as the provisional capital of Jonquiere-Tadoussac, and have instituted Generalmajor Heiström as military governor. There is no elected government. At time of press, the Royalistes hold the north of the provinces of Jonquière, Alma, and Translaurent, and have installed King Roland XXXII as the nominal leader of the country from a capital of Jonquière. The ACJT hold western Alma and nearly all of La Montagne, and have proclaimed a military dictatorship of the proletariat centred around Chivaque.

Meanwhile, the Jageran South Battle Fleet, headed by the aircraft carriers JAS Niðhogg and JAS Gugnir, disabled and sunk the Communiste controlled Floating Fortress FBJ Prolétariat with assistance from the Démocratique flotilla led by FBJ Bonaventure. Stated Amiral Fritz Költz, commander of the Jageran fleet, "The sinking of the Île-en-Fer [former name of the Prolétariat] means the last rebel naval forces on the Jontadain coast have been neutralized. Our work is finished."

The Jontadain Civil War began in August 2005 due to failed royal elections and threats from the Armée Communiste du Jonquiere-Tadoussac. Many-sided fighting has continued until this point, with an interlude of a Consular Confederacy supported by Baranxtu from February through May of 2006. The Consular Confederacy failed, and fighting between the Démocratique, Royaliste, and ACJT factions continues to this day.