Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jagera Occupies Jonquiere-Tadoussac

Acadière, Îles Jontadains - Seeking to free Jonquiere-Tadoussac from the grip of civil war, troops from the Commonwealth of Jagera have landed to suppress the fighting.

As of midnight on April 2, Jageran troops first came ashore on the Îles Jontadain, securing first the Petit-Île at the behest of the Démocratique troops occupying it, later landing at Acadière on the Grand-Île by noon on April 3. The troops first joined battle on April 6, when troops came ashore at the Démocratique-held city of Tadoussac and threw back besieging Royaliste forces. Casualties were light on both sides, as the Jageran forces were both better trained and better armed than the opposing force. Since that point, Jageran forces have managed to quell fighting throughout the provinces of Tadoussac and Côte-St-Jean, as well as the city of L'Unité and the bordering portions of La Montagne, Alma, and Translaurent.

"We have high hopes of the entire country liberated by the end of summer," quoted Generalmajor Thorgeir Heiström of the Jageran Expeditionary Force. "Our troops are proceeding according to schedule, and we believe the rebel bases of support to be crumbling. More details than this, I cannot give."

Currently, the Jageran Ministry of Defence has declared Acadière as the provisional capital of Jonquiere-Tadoussac, and have instituted Generalmajor Heiström as military governor. There is no elected government. At time of press, the Royalistes hold the north of the provinces of Jonquière, Alma, and Translaurent, and have installed King Roland XXXII as the nominal leader of the country from a capital of Jonquière. The ACJT hold western Alma and nearly all of La Montagne, and have proclaimed a military dictatorship of the proletariat centred around Chivaque.

Meanwhile, the Jageran South Battle Fleet, headed by the aircraft carriers JAS Niðhogg and JAS Gugnir, disabled and sunk the Communiste controlled Floating Fortress FBJ Prolétariat with assistance from the Démocratique flotilla led by FBJ Bonaventure. Stated Amiral Fritz Költz, commander of the Jageran fleet, "The sinking of the Île-en-Fer [former name of the Prolétariat] means the last rebel naval forces on the Jontadain coast have been neutralized. Our work is finished."

The Jontadain Civil War began in August 2005 due to failed royal elections and threats from the Armée Communiste du Jonquiere-Tadoussac. Many-sided fighting has continued until this point, with an interlude of a Consular Confederacy supported by Baranxtu from February through May of 2006. The Consular Confederacy failed, and fighting between the Démocratique, Royaliste, and ACJT factions continues to this day.

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