Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jageran Aircraft Fly West From Îles Jontadains

From "Le Jontadain":

Acadière - The quiet above the city of Acadière was broken roughly this morning, as the sonic booms from several Jageran supersonic aircraft rocked local buildings.

According to witness reports, three Jageran transport aircraft of the most advanced variety [Ed: Grönveld-Alfa t343/m] lifted off at about 0935 this morning, accompanied by a dozen fighter planes [Ed: Larssen f302]. After liftoff, the planes accelerated more quickly than normal, streaking quickly towards the west at extremely high altitudes. The sonic booms as the planes exceeded Mach 1 happened well within city limits, which reports suggest is normally against Jageran Aviation Codes, both military and civil. [Ed: This is correct, s32/11(3) of the Jageran Aviation Code]

As of yet, no word has been received as to why the planes took off. Military sources deny the event even happened. When pressed, Bakgeneral Heinrik Thrumann, of the Jageran Air Force Division, suggested, "There were to be some test flights taking place today; perhaps this is what was seen."

As of press time, the planes have not returned to base, leaving speculation open as to their true intentions, though some reliable forces suggest a strike against Communiste leadership in Chivaque.


[Ed: It is the opinion of the Commonwealth Star that this may have something to do with the strange events in Ferveo, though this remains to be seen. Standard Jageran Military Doctrine would not suggest such a surgical strike against rebel forces, as they are generally too disparate for this to succeed.]

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